In honor of Inception coming out on DVD (and Bluraaaaaaay) today, I decided to post about the film. I actually found the film to be a very thought-provoking (albeit somewhat confusing) and engaging movie. A big part of that was, being the fashion fanatic that I am, me being very impressed with Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s wardrobe. Seriously, that guy was so dapper in this film, I thought I could have spent the two and half hours just observing him float through that hotel.
Unlike many, I didn’t come away with a gazillion question marks over my head after the film, and that may be for one of two reasons: I took the film for what it was and didn’t delve too much into the twisted plot, or I wasn’t smart enough to notice a lot of the details that everyone else did (many mentioned that they lean towards the second one). Overall, I was a happy camper.
There was, however, one thing that made me think and think about the movie for a long time after seeing it, and that was… what would Freddy Krueger think about all of this? I mean, let’s give credit where credit is due, and no one, I repeat, no one knows how to navigate a person’s dream and dig up the toughest psychological traumas like one Mr. Krueger.
I could just imagine Leonardo DiCaprio running through someone’s dream, shooting at bad guys, and then suddenly, instead of his wife that liked to frequent his subconscious, Freddy showed up (yes, maybe staying up late last night and watching Horror on Elm Street on pay-per-view was not such a great idea after all).
So there they are, facing eachother. Who would take who out? Forget Freddy vs. Jason, these are the big boys here. What I was mostly interested in, was if the two decided to dislike each other, and a battle would break out, who would be the winner? On the one hand, Freddy knows a lot about this subconscious world, that even DiCaprio had a hard time deciphering at times, and he’s been there for a lot longer. The man’s afterlife is dedicated to torturing people in their sleep. On the other hand, DiCaprio has technology and guns. Freddy is very capable, but, let’s face it, a glove full of blades can only get you so far, just ask Edward Scissorhands.
Apart from that, DiCaprio has buddies. They helped him beat an army full of soldiers in the middle of something like the North Pole, so they can help him deal with Freddy and his dungeon-like hangar.
As far as style is concerned, I have to admit that there is a charm involved in Freddy’s everyday ensemble. I would call it casual with a touch of ivy league preppy-ness. Mr. DiCaprio doesn’t exactly disappoint either, but, he’s no Joseph Gordon-Levitt in this one style-wise, so I will have to settle on a tie in terms of sartorialism.
Lastly, I have to mention one query I do have about this. As we know, Leo and his team work for money. So, say a high-schooler from Elm Street were to break his piggy-bank and ask the fellows to help him beat Freddy, what would the price they ask for be? Considering the buyer’s age and very sticky situation? I would like to believe they would help the kid out just for the sake of doing the right thing, and, maybe making sure that if Leonardo DiCaprio’s character does get to raise his children afterall, they won’t be in the risk group of Freddy victims – whether in the real or subconscious world.
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